Yona discovers her supernatural musical abilities can transform human behavior.

Yona by Joan Thomson Kretschmer Yona by Joan Thomson Kretschmer
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YONA: Discoveries, Doorways, and Musical Superpower

We meet Yona at age ten, an unwanted, scorned child, discovering her unique talents and beginning to exercise her special gift, the power of music. Multi Tasker is her dramatic, magic-wielding piano teacher with his Flights of Fancy, a flying piano. Her new friend, Ulysses, is a ten-year old boy who finds an abandoned, dilapidated trunk and its colorful, ebullient occupant, Gene E.

Tasker arranges for them to attend The John Brook Summer Music Festival, where they live and study in the historic mansion donated by Mrs. Goodnkind, a wealthy, benevolent role model. Daily lessons include trips and exciting adventures as well as Doorways to Understanding, a series of entryways to learning about creativity, life, nature, the arts, and values.

The tip of the iceberg of their unique curriculum includes: Music, art, talent, generosity, fear, positive thinking, leadership, science, the beauty and complexity of Mother Nature, the Moon, alleviating suffering, good and evil.

YONA: Discoveries, Doorways, and Musical Superpower

Dr. Joan Thomson Kretschmer

13-Digit ISBN:

6" x 9" Perfect Bound; 264 Pages

Publication Date:
May 13, 2018

Retail Price:

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Excerpt from Yona:

YONA: Discoveries, Doorways, and Musical Superpower

It is spring, when weeping cherry tree blossoms drift in the breezes and create pink carpeting below. Snowdrops have dotted the hardened soil, grape hyacinths line the walkways, and purple crocuses cover the arching hillsides, as yellow daffodils emerge, and red, pink, and purple tulips and white dogwood prepare to preen in the sunshine.

Yona, our Heroine, a petite young girl with brown curls framing her bright eyes and busy lips, is next to her friend, Ulysses, an energetic, restless boy her age. Sitting on golden chairs, they are chatting with a tall man in a glittering, black cape and a short creature with a blue face and expressive blue hands. Diaphanous clouds glide by silently, forming and re-forming kaleidoscopically.

"I love to watch the clouds," Yona says, as she dreamily brushes aside curls that the gentle wind tosses in front of her forehead.

Yona is like shepherds of old, abiding in the fields, and ancient mariners, who found heroes, dippers, and animals in the star-bejeweled sky.

"Look, a white fluffy mountain-range," she shrieks with glee; and six eyes follow her pointing finger. "There is a cloud-elephant. Watch: it's turning into a giraffe. And over there, that cotton-white, bulbous clown is lifting his tall pointed hat and bowing to us."

"You certainly have an active imagination," Ulysses teases her, jumping up and down, craning his neck. "Why don't I see any of those?"

"Maybe you could, if you were sitting in my seat. Oh dear, it's too late. They are evaporating, but more will come . . . " Yona looks wistfully off into the distance. Suddenly a swirling black tornado roars and thunders ominously toward them, and the children stiffen with fear.

The tall man raises his right arm toward the oncoming mass: music of thousands of harps fills the air. A blue hand lifts a lavender sword, slicing at the air, as if drawing rows of the letter X; and a massive, platinum fence emitting sparks unfurls across the sky, as far as the eye can see. The turbulent, threatening vortex falls back and retreats. "How did you do that?" asks Ulysses, his mouth open in wonder.

"We have our ways," the tall man smiles knowingly, "and we will explain later, but right now we have to be alert, ready to act quickly and decisively against those out to destroy us. As you know and have just seen, music has great power, but more was required this time. You have just witnessed what we call a Temporary Off-put; the emissaries of Evil will return again."

With reassuring words, the children's hearts stop racing, and quiet conversation resumes.

"Is it true that there are sky-painters and universe decorators?" Yona asks.

"There are many mysteries in our universe," the short blue creature responds, "and we have much to show you . . . "

The Man in the Moon, listening to their conversation, chimes in: "How happy I am you have come and that we can be together for a while. That was quite a trick, my friends. I'm always so pleased when Good triumphs over Evil. Bravo! We have lots to discuss and to catch up on, since we last met. What has brought you here this time?"

"We are studying a fantastic little trunk with a series of tiny doors," Ulysses blurts, with enthusiasm. "It's called Doorways to Understanding, and we're out for a lesson." How did this singular cast of characters get together? What are they talking about? And where are they going?

To understand their extraordinary tale and unusual mission, dear Reader, let us go back to the beginning:


“Thoroughly enjoying YONA! If it is ok with you, I will add it to my middle school library. It is a perfect book for middle-schoolers! Magical story and interesting characters. My middle schoolers will love and relate to Yona and Ulysses. Bravo!”

“YONA is a gorgeous book for young adult readers. As a middle school music teacher, I am always searching for books that spark the imagination of young musicians. This book not only inspires through a musical lens, it stirs our imagination by drawing us into a fantastic and supernatural world.”

Shari Feder, Music teacher
Mott Hall II, New York City

Yona by Joan Thomson Kretschmer Email Joan

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Chicago, IL
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